Roteiro para a Descarbonização do Setor Automóvel

The Project aims to define a Decarbonization Roadmap for the Automotive Sector, through the identification of concrete measures and their impact on the reduction of GHG emissions, in order to respond to the objectives of carbon neutrality identified in the Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality 2050 and the National Energy and Climate Plan 2030.

The strategic objectives of this project are:

  • Conducting awareness sessions (workshops) of the automotive sector on the themes of decarbonization;
  • Collection of information from a group of 20 relevant companies in the automotive sector for the calculation of the carbon footprint;
  • Development of the analytical tool for the calculation of the carbon footprint, which should be usable by all companies in the automotive sector;
  • Development of the analytical tool of data visualization for consultation of information of the Decarbonization Roadmap in the automotive industry;
  • Conducting training actions with the objective of training each entity and its main stakeholders in the key intervention focuses of the Decarbonization Roadmap;
  • Conducting sessions to disseminate good practices and initiatives to be adopted to reduce the levels of CO2 and other gases;
  • Development of content for dissemination and dissemination of the project and the conclusions of the Decarbonization Roadmap.

In this project, MOBINOV will play the role of mobilizer of the Stakeholders, as well as being responsible for all the Communication and Management of the project of the same. In addition, in a second phase of the project, MOBINOV will also be a promoter of the extension of the tools from the project to the rest of the automotive sector.

Últimas / Novidades

Sede Mobinov

+351 22 016 48 98 (chamada para a rede fixa nacional)

Delegação Lisboa

+351 21 303 53 00 (chamada para a rede fixa nacional)

Mobinov Headquarters

+351 22 016 48 98 (national landline call)

Lisbon Branch

+351 21 303 53 00 (national landline call)