The strategic objectives of this project are
- Activate the action plan of MOBINOV – Association of the Automotive Cluster, supporting its management and support to its dynamization;
- Promote the visibility and notoriety of the cluster at a national and international level;
- To make available information to support the collective knowledge of the sector that contributes to the efficiency of the actions carried out;
- Promote the approximation and collaboration with other clusters and sectors of activity that mobilize the automotive sector and the national industry;
- Develop a strong cluster dynamics in the national industry that, like in other countries, promotes cooperation between companies from automotive sector and SI&I entities;
- Contribute to the goals of Industry 4.0 and the Portugal 4.0 initiative, ie;
- Accelerate the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies and concepts in the Portuguese business fabric;
- Promoting Portuguese technological companies internationally;
- To make Portugal an attractive pole for investment in the Industry 4.0 context.